Sunday, March 18, 2018

when doc hudson died in his 1954 crash season i found out why he was not in cars 2 or 3 but just his image of a flash back in cars the movie!! so i made his friend smokey's automotive sevice thomsasville cars 3!!

the story of Smokey's doc Hudson ' old friend and crew chef  to help Lightning McQueen beat Jackson Storm win the piston cup championship trophy! and now I know what happened to Doc Hudson ! the Fabulous Hudson Hornet! racing car number 51!:D

Monday, March 05, 2018

the trubule of doc hudson and his fabulous hudson hornet number 51 racing car papercraft EXCLUSIVELY!!!!

after doc Hudson Paul Newman died September 2008 was his voice character  in cars the movie
from lung cancer ! I decided can I just try too designing doc Hudson 's racing car version number 51
and I did just that! but I didn't know how this would be or turn out to be?? so I said to myself it has lot of curves in it?!~ so I will do this in cardstock as well! and I love the way this came out to be and looks like exactly looks like him as in the movies! in papercraft style! so anyway enjoy this model!